Read Revelation 2:7: To those who have ears (spiritual ears)—let them (believers and unbelievers) hear what the Spirit (my God) says to the churches (all believers, not limited to any one race or nationality).
Now read Psalm 37:3: If you trust in the Lord and do right, my God will bless you! My mom used to say, “Son, if you do right, God will bless you.” Indeed, the Bible speaks of blessings and curses (read Deuteronomy 28, where it discusses blessings and curses).
Now read Psalm 37:4: David writes of a command from the Lord; he said my God demanded that I delight (please) myself in my God, and without any questions to my God, He would and will give me the desires of my heart (that means He will and would give me anything that I want, as long as it glorifies Him—and not me).
Now read Psalm 37:5: My God is commanding me again to commit (to act out, to apply myself, to perform spiritually!) my way to His way (Jesus said, “I am who I am, the Way, the Truth, and the Light!”), and I’ve got to trust in Him, too. Now, with the help of the Lord, He has me looking like Him! And to my God, as always, He gets all (not some) but all the glory! And most definitely, I am going to praise His name… Hallelujah!
Error correction: I meant to say that the Spirit of my God is speaking to all mankind, men and women of all colors, because we are all one big family now. Please, nobody gets it twisted. When you consider that we all descended from Noah’s three sons, every race originated from black, no matter how you look at it, no matter how far back. Let us all just be honest with one another. (Read Genesis 11:1-32.)
A personal reflection: I don’t know about you, but I am willing to die for the truth. We need to stop all this mess, people. My God isn’t happy; that’s why this world is so messed up. We can’t live in this world all by ourselves. When is enough going to be enough? I get tired trying to do this all by myself—sorry, but this is how I feel sometimes. I get tired, for real.
On human equality: None of us is better than the other. Each one of us came into this wicked and perverse world by ourselves, and we will leave it by ourselves. You didn’t bring anything into this world, and you sure aren’t going to take anything out of it. We are nothing to God! Not even me! God doesn’t care about titles. I’m sorry, y’all; I just get mad when I think about how we walk around here thinking we’re all that! Paul said, When you think you’re something, you’re really nothing—to God! Galatians 6:3
A call to reflection and humility: So, just as sure as there is a hell, you better be thanking—and I mean really thanking—God for His Son, Jesus, who went through pure hell just to save a no-good wretch like me! Because what God wouldn’t put up with, Jesus did! That’s why He said, “It is finished!” And then He gave up the ghost. Don’t you know He didn’t have to do what He did for you—and you, and you, and me? He volunteered to do what He did, okay. In other words, He voluntarily did that—duh! I haven’t always been the way I am now, okay? Come on now!
A plea for unity: Let me go, man. But before I go, let me ask you this, man: Can’t we all just get along? Dang!